#62: Why I Compete

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about what keeps me in the sport and the lessons that have transferred from competition over in to my life off the range.

#60: Do Not Try To Go Faster

Ben BerryPodcast

This week, I talk about my experience with making speed gains, and why they usually don’t come just by trying hard or trying to go faster.

Reading Targets in Practice

Ben BerryBlog

During my practice session at the range on Saturday, I shot a lot of dots, all at 7 yards. I’m still working out these changes to my grip and trigger pull, but I can feel the progress, I just have to make it repeatable. But in the targets I shot, I saw an interesting example of the value of reading the pattern in the targets, not just scoring them. (Also a major theme of Ben Stoeger’s “Breakthrough Marksmanship” book.) Here are the first and last sheets I shot of the day: The first sheet is all over the place. You … Read More

#59: Event Driven Shooting

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about how I visualize through stages, the exact details I visualize in, and discuss why the speed of my visualization isn’t all that important to me.

#58: Half Of What You Know is Wrong

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about having breakthroughs when you realize that something you took for granted turned out to be wrong, or at least only true in some contexts. I post videos from my matches at youtube.com/BenBerryUSPSA. If you’d like to support the podcast, consider buying a shirt at berryshooting.com/shop .

#57: Myths About Being A GM

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about misconceptions that people have about being a GM or shooting matches as a GM, and why it’s not really all that different. If you want to support the podcast, consider buying a shirt at www.berryshooting.com/shop .

#56: South Carolina Section Match

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about how the South Carolina Section Match went and the lessons I’m taking away from it going forward. My video for the match is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhFyYBQKS94 . If you want to support the podcast, consider buying a shirt at berryshooting.com/shop .

#55: South Carolina Section Prep

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about my mindset and preparation going in to the 2019 SC Section match this Saturday, including how I’m setting my expectations for my performance and the key things I want to include in each visualization. I also talk about the recent announcement of the 2019 NC Section at Sir Walter Gun Club in October of this year. I post my match videos online at youtube.com/BenBerryUSPSA.

#54: Match Recap

Ben BerryPodcast

This week I recap the stages I shot at a few local matches and try to draw some lessons learned from them.

#53: Lightning Round

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I catch up on a few different things I’ve been thinking about. I talk about USPSA not printing paper rulebooks anymore, setting aside my opinions when shooting matches, 3 minute stage walkthroughs, and answer a question about the uspsa.ninja shirts.

#52: Mastery

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about the book Mastery by George Leonard. I talk about some of the reasons I’m always in the process of re-reading it, and try to give you a sense for what the book is all about. Here’s a link to my recommended book list including Mastery and others.

#51: Mental Game

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about mindset changes going forward into this season to take stages more seriously and shoot closer to my theoretical skill. I also talk about some of my new goals going forward in both club matches and major matches.

#50: Shooting in a Slump

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk through the problems I’ve been having trying to get this year of shooting started and speculate about the underlying causes.

#49: SWGC February 2019, Part 2

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I finish discussing a club match stage-by-stage and talk about the things that went well and the lessons learned from each one. The blog post I wrote that includes the match video for this match is here.

48: SWGC February 2019, Part 1

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk through a club match stage-by-stage and talk about the things that went well and the lessons learned from each one. The blog post I wrote that includes the match video for this match is here.

#47: Things I Changed My Mind About in 2018

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk through some of the lessons I took away from 2018. I talk about what I learned about gun grips and gripping the gun, the value of go fast gun parts and paster guns, and some changes to my mindset for practice.

#46: 2018 Year In Review

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk through how the 2018 competition season went for me. I talk through the matches shot, practice sessions, and rounds fired. I go through the four major matches I shot, including my DQ at IPSC Nationals, and draw some lessons going in to 2019.

#45: 2019 Goals

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about what I’ve learned about setting goals in the last year, and discuss my own plans and goals for 2019.