#138: December Special Meeting

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I discuss the special board meeting held this week to remove the USPSA President. To subscribe to the podcast, search “Short Course” in your podcast app, or add https://berryshooting.com/short-course.xml by URL.

#122: Playing By The Rules

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I elaborate on a post I made about my strategy of changing USPSA from the inside, as well as discuss the bylaws change I have proposed that will remove the lifetime ban on removed board members from running again. To subscribe to the podcast, search “Short Course” in your podcast app, or add https://berryshooting.com/short-course.xml by URL.

#120: BOD Goes Scott Free

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I briefly review the December 2023 USPSA Board meeting, before discussing the vote to remove Area 3 Scott Arnburg under Bylaw 7.7 and the growing boycott against USPSA arising from it. To subscribe to the podcast, search “Short Course” in your podcast app, or add https://berryshooting.com/short-course.xml by URL.