#57: Myths About Being A GM

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about misconceptions that people have about being a GM or shooting matches as a GM, and why it’s not really all that different. If you want to support the podcast, consider buying a shirt at www.berryshooting.com/shop .

#56: South Carolina Section Match

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about how the South Carolina Section Match went and the lessons I’m taking away from it going forward. My video for the match is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhFyYBQKS94 . If you want to support the podcast, consider buying a shirt at berryshooting.com/shop .

#55: South Carolina Section Prep

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about my mindset and preparation going in to the 2019 SC Section match this Saturday, including how I’m setting my expectations for my performance and the key things I want to include in each visualization. I also talk about the recent announcement of the 2019 NC Section at Sir Walter Gun Club in October of this year. I post my match videos online at youtube.com/BenBerryUSPSA.

#54: Match Recap

Ben BerryPodcast

This week I recap the stages I shot at a few local matches and try to draw some lessons learned from them.

#53: Lightning Round

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I catch up on a few different things I’ve been thinking about. I talk about USPSA not printing paper rulebooks anymore, setting aside my opinions when shooting matches, 3 minute stage walkthroughs, and answer a question about the uspsa.ninja shirts.

#52: Mastery

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about the book Mastery by George Leonard. I talk about some of the reasons I’m always in the process of re-reading it, and try to give you a sense for what the book is all about. Here’s a link to my recommended book list including Mastery and others.

#51: Mental Game

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about mindset changes going forward into this season to take stages more seriously and shoot closer to my theoretical skill. I also talk about some of my new goals going forward in both club matches and major matches.

#50: Shooting in a Slump

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk through the problems I’ve been having trying to get this year of shooting started and speculate about the underlying causes.

#49: SWGC February 2019, Part 2

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I finish discussing a club match stage-by-stage and talk about the things that went well and the lessons learned from each one. The blog post I wrote that includes the match video for this match is here.

48: SWGC February 2019, Part 1

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk through a club match stage-by-stage and talk about the things that went well and the lessons learned from each one. The blog post I wrote that includes the match video for this match is here.

#47: Things I Changed My Mind About in 2018

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk through some of the lessons I took away from 2018. I talk about what I learned about gun grips and gripping the gun, the value of go fast gun parts and paster guns, and some changes to my mindset for practice.

#46: 2018 Year In Review

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk through how the 2018 competition season went for me. I talk through the matches shot, practice sessions, and rounds fired. I go through the four major matches I shot, including my DQ at IPSC Nationals, and draw some lessons going in to 2019.

#45: 2019 Goals

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about what I’ve learned about setting goals in the last year, and discuss my own plans and goals for 2019.

#44: Taking an Offseason

Ben BerryPodcast

This week I talk about taking an offseason. I talk about different approaches to managing your time between seasons and why it is important to take at least some break. I talk about my tentative plans for the offseason and what I’m looking forward to shooting next year.

#43: NC Section 2018

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about the NC Section match. I talk through the different stages and how I approached them, and my overall mindset that I used to win.

#42: How I Would Do Nationals

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about some discussions I’ve had around Nationals and if I had the opportunity to change things, what I would do differently.

#41: Lessons From Nationals

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about three areas of improvement I’ve identified from Nationals, and how I dealt with them at a club match this past weekend.

#40: USPSA Nationals 2018, Part 2

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I continue the discussion about USPSA Factory Gun Nationals. I talk about how well the match flowed, what I thought of the stages, why I liked the prize table this year, and give some early conclusions of my performance.

#39: USPSA Nationals 2018

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, live from the hotel room the night before the final day of Production Nationals, I talk about how things have changed in the last year, and what I’m looking to get out of shooting Nationals this year.

#38: USPSA Rule Changes, Pt. 2

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I continue my discussion of the proposed rule changes for the 2019 USPSA rulebook. I run through the details about what will be changing and why I think they are almost all good improvements for the sport.