#52: Mastery

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about the book Mastery by George Leonard. I talk about some of the reasons I’m always in the process of re-reading it, and try to give you a sense for what the book is all about. Here’s a link to my recommended book list including Mastery and others.

#51: Mental Game

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about mindset changes going forward into this season to take stages more seriously and shoot closer to my theoretical skill. I also talk about some of my new goals going forward in both club matches and major matches.

#50: Shooting in a Slump

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk through the problems I’ve been having trying to get this year of shooting started and speculate about the underlying causes.

#49: SWGC February 2019, Part 2

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I finish discussing a club match stage-by-stage and talk about the things that went well and the lessons learned from each one. The blog post I wrote that includes the match video for this match is here.

48: SWGC February 2019, Part 1

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk through a club match stage-by-stage and talk about the things that went well and the lessons learned from each one. The blog post I wrote that includes the match video for this match is here.

#47: Things I Changed My Mind About in 2018

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk through some of the lessons I took away from 2018. I talk about what I learned about gun grips and gripping the gun, the value of go fast gun parts and paster guns, and some changes to my mindset for practice.

#46: 2018 Year In Review

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk through how the 2018 competition season went for me. I talk through the matches shot, practice sessions, and rounds fired. I go through the four major matches I shot, including my DQ at IPSC Nationals, and draw some lessons going in to 2019.

#45: 2019 Goals

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about what I’ve learned about setting goals in the last year, and discuss my own plans and goals for 2019.

#44: Taking an Offseason

Ben BerryPodcast

This week I talk about taking an offseason. I talk about different approaches to managing your time between seasons and why it is important to take at least some break. I talk about my tentative plans for the offseason and what I’m looking forward to shooting next year.

#43: NC Section 2018

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about the NC Section match. I talk through the different stages and how I approached them, and my overall mindset that I used to win.

#42: How I Would Do Nationals

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about some discussions I’ve had around Nationals and if I had the opportunity to change things, what I would do differently.

#41: Lessons From Nationals

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about three areas of improvement I’ve identified from Nationals, and how I dealt with them at a club match this past weekend.

#40: USPSA Nationals 2018, Part 2

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I continue the discussion about USPSA Factory Gun Nationals. I talk about how well the match flowed, what I thought of the stages, why I liked the prize table this year, and give some early conclusions of my performance.

#39: USPSA Nationals 2018

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, live from the hotel room the night before the final day of Production Nationals, I talk about how things have changed in the last year, and what I’m looking to get out of shooting Nationals this year.

#38: USPSA Rule Changes, Pt. 2

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I continue my discussion of the proposed rule changes for the 2019 USPSA rulebook. I run through the details about what will be changing and why I think they are almost all good improvements for the sport.

#37: USPSA Rule Changes, Pt. 1

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about the proposed rule changes for the 2019 USPSA rulebook. I run through the details about what will be changing and why I think they are almost all good improvements for the sport.

#36: Single Stack

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about my strange, sporadic schedule of shooting Single Stack over the course of three years, what I learned from it, and why I eventually gave it up.

#35: Changing Guns

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, on the two year anniversary of switching to shoot a Tanfoglio, I look back on the different Production guns I’ve shot over my career and talk about what I learned from each one, and what I like about what I have now.

#34: Practice For Where You Want To Be, Not Where You Are

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I start out by talking about cancelling the NC Section due to Hurricane Florence, which I maintain to be the right decision. I then mention that my wife and I will be on the September 24th episode of the Dave Ramsey show doing our Debt Free Scream. For the main topic, I discuss the idea of setting up your practice around your goals, not your current situation in order to make sure you don’t get stuck on the plateau you’re currently on and keep your focus on moving to the next level. After that, I … Read More

#33: Grips

Ben BerryPodcast

This week on the podcast, I talk about what to look for in gun grips, and why I am really liking the new G10 grips I got for my Tanfoglios.